Room P3.10, Mathematics Building

Lars Setktnan, UQUAM Montréal

Blowing up extremal Poincaré type manifolds

Metrics of Poincaré type are Kähler metrics defined on the complement $X\setminus D$ of a smooth divisor $D$ in a compact Kähler manifold $X$ which near $D$ are modeled on the product of a smooth metric on $D$ with the standard cusp metric on a punctured disk in $\mathbb{C}$. In this talk I will discuss an Arezzo-Pacard type theorem for such metrics. A key feature is an obstruction which has no analogue in the compact case, coming from additional cokernel elements for the linearisation of the scalar curvature operator. I will discuss that even in the toric case, this gives an obstruction to blowing up fixed points (which is unobstructed in the compact case). This additional condition is conjecturally related to ensuring the metrics remain of Poincaré type.

Projecto FCT UID/MAT/04459/2019.