Room P3.10, Mathematics Building

Ethan Cotterill, Universidade de Coimbra
Some Brill-Noether theory on curves and metric graphs

Brill-Noether theory seeks to answer the basic question of when an abstract complex curve C of genus g comes equipped with a nondegenerate degree-d morphism to P r.

When C is general in the moduli space M g, an answer is provided by a celebrated theorem of Griffiths and Harris, which establishes that C's behavior is as "expected" whenever ρ=g(r+1)(gd+r) is positive, and that there are no morphisms when ρ is negative.

Payne, et al. recently gave a proof of the nonexistence statement using a combinatorial analysis of metric graphs of a particular combinatorial type. These belong to a moduli space M g trop for stable metric graphs, which admits a stratification that is dual to that of the Deligne-Mumford space of stable curves.

We will discuss work in progress with Melo, Neves, and Viviani aimed at understanding the Brill-Noether-type behavior of metric graphs of other combinatorial types, focusing on a remarkable infinite family of these.