An important geometric invariant of a hypersurface singularity is its Fukaya–Seidel category. In this talk, I will motivate and describe the study of two special families of isolated singularities. Time permitting, I will introduce “type A symplectic Auslander correspondence”, a purely geometrical construction which realises a notable result in representation theory.
Mirror Symmetry predicts a correspondence between the complex geometry (the B-side) and the symplectic geometry (the A-side) of suitable pairs of objects. In this talk I will consider certain orbifold del Pezzo surfaces falling outside of the standard mirror symmetry constructions. I will describe the derived category of coherent sheaves of the surfaces (their B-side), and discuss early results on the A-side. This is joint work with Franco Rota.
In this series of lectures, I will discuss how methods from modern symplectic geometry (e.g. holomorphic curves or Floer theory) can be made to bear on the classical (circular, restricted) three body problem. I will touch upon theoretical aspects, as well as practical applications to space mission design. This is based on my recent book, available in, to be published by Springer Nature.
In this series of lectures, I will discuss how methods from modern symplectic geometry (e.g. holomorphic curves or Floer theory) can be made to bear on the classical (circular, restricted) three body problem. I will touch upon theoretical aspects, as well as practical applications to space mission design. This is based on my recent book, available in, to be published by Springer Nature.
In this series of lectures, I will discuss how methods from modern symplectic geometry (e.g. holomorphic curves or Floer theory) can be made to bear on the classical (circular, restricted) three body problem. I will touch upon theoretical aspects, as well as practical applications to space mission design. This is based on my recent book, available in, to be published by Springer Nature.